Today I am writing about a phenomenon which I believe is singular to the cyber-knitting world. At least, that is how I became connected through Yahoo email groups about a decade ago.
To the un-initiated a KAL is a Knit along (can be done through a LYS like R. Rabbit's Fiber Studio) or via the internet like many on Ravelry. An MKAL takes this one step further and becomes a process of trust as well. I have participated in many MKALs over the last decade, two of which were never finished and are now in "time-out".
The first MKAL I jumped into was done blindly. This was way before the time of Ravelry and their amazing database of patterns, etc. I just had a feeling that anyone whose online name was Pink Lemontwist couldn't be all bad. We were working as a group from the Yahoo Groups Spindler's List. Melany sent out a pattern every week via email and we printed off our patterns and went to work. It took me a while but I finished the 24" x 82" stole and have been wearing it for years. It took me much longer to finish her Swan Lake-inspired design, but it has since won a ribbon at the Iowa State Fair.
One of the biggest MKALs I have taken part in was a Stephen West design in 2012: Rockefeller. We had a large group from the shop working together and most of us finished. At the Estes Park Wool Market in 2013, Deb and I were looking for other Rockefellers; there were over 3000 KALers from all around the world.
At this point I am working through a new MKAL by Erica Jackofsky AKA Fiddle Knits. Chris, Mary Jo, Mary M., Darla and I have all collected yarn, beads and bought into current design of her "Elements" series: Air.
(post begun in November. Edited in February)
Nearly three months later and I am working on two new MKALs. Erica's new shawl "Fire" and Susanna IC's Winter MKAL.