Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snowflakes and Frost

JoAnne's goal for this winter was to get a close-up of a snowflake.
I think she went overboard, but I like the results!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Found a great new website

I just met a new mom online.  My Mom passed on information for a new website.  Up in Minnesota the North American Bear Center has a webcam located in the den of a new mommy.  Lily the black bear just gave birth to a cub.  You can watch them online.  Right now there isn't much to see but Lily's back.  However, you can also hear her and the cub and at some point will be able to see them in action.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Welcome to our winter wonderland  -  Cedar Rapids style
I had to share these images taken by my friend JoAnne Pruitt. 
This summer we were out taking pictures of flowers. 
This winter we've had plenty of opportunities for snow and ice pictures.

There are dozens of wild turkies around town. 
We've seen more than a dozen at a time on the east side of town.  They are truly amazing to watch.

Turkey strut - nuff said.

The last couple days we've had high humidy and little winds.  Apparently this combination is what produces "hoar frost".  I've heard of it before, but never really seen it.  More close ups coming later.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Celebrating the New Year, spinner-style

Roc Day, January 7th: the day spinners would traditionally go back to work after the Christmas holidays.  I invited my spinner and knitter friends to join me.  Alas, the snow kept most of them away, but I did do some spinning. 

We finished celebrating on Monday, January 11th.  Vicky took this picture of some of the wheels in my front room.  All together there were 9 of us spinning and knittting and chatting and eating.

This is me with my Lendrum saxony wheel.  I am spinning wool which is purchased from a cyber, fiber friend, Cary of Serenity Farms in Michigan.  The fiber is lovely dark wool with dyed silk flecks.  It has been great fun to spin and will make a lovely springy yarn for a hat or mittens.

Hopefully, I will have pictures to share soon.

Thanks Chris, JoAnne, Vicky, Sue, Deb, Linda, Jody and Tyler (her son) for joining me.

Here is my charge for the New Year: spin every day!