Roc Day, January 7th: the day spinners would traditionally go back to work after the Christmas holidays. I invited my spinner and knitter friends to join me. Alas, the snow kept most of them away, but I did do some spinning.
We finished celebrating on Monday, January 11th. Vicky took this picture of some of the wheels in my front room. All together there were 9 of us spinning and knittting and chatting and eating.
This is me with my Lendrum saxony wheel. I am spinning wool which is purchased from a cyber, fiber friend, Cary of Serenity Farms in Michigan. The fiber is lovely dark wool with dyed silk flecks. It has been great fun to spin and will make a lovely springy yarn for a hat or mittens.
Hopefully, I will have pictures to share soon.
Thanks Chris, JoAnne, Vicky, Sue, Deb, Linda, Jody and Tyler (her son) for joining me.
Here is my charge for the New Year: spin every day!