Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Three States in One Day

Saturday, June 30th.  We left Iowa to put Eric on a plane to Germany, drove up to Milwaukee to watch a Brewers' game and then to Madison see friends on Sunday.

parking lot party
We hugged Eric goodbye and then headed north.  We got to Miller Park in time to catch the top of the 2nd inning.  It was interesting to be a game where I didn't have an emotional investment in the outcome.  It was fun to watch the Brewers hit 3 homeruns.  We got to see the sausage race in person.  What more could we want!  Oh, we didn't get to see the roof close.
And they're off!
Final score 10-2
At Miller Park
After the game we drove to Madison and a hotel.  Sunday morning we met our dear friends, Gil and Raylene Walker at the Mandrake Road church of Christ.  They were beginning a study of Isaiah in Sunday school which brought up many good questions.  I think I need to read that book again.  It was wonderful to be in worship with our friends again and singing acapella next to Raylene is a treat.  After church we went out for lunch and worked to catch up on 12 years of news and nostalgia.
At Gil and Raylene's


Just a few pictures of Eric on the mound at one of the Washington Sophomore b-ball games this summer.

Stitch and Pitch Friday 22, 2012

I enjoyed another Stitch and Pitch night at the Kernals Friday night.  Unfortunately, they didn't have their best game but we had a great time spinning and spending time with friends.

Sara, Paula and I got to share about spinning yarn with several other fans from a couple very young knitters to an older man in a riding chair.