Our original schedule called for a visit to the Tower of London, but we knew we just didn’t have the time for that so we decided to do the British Museum instead. This turned out to be the day of exploring around greater London.

After a few misses we found the correct bus to take, but since it wasn't a very direct route we decided to take a taxi instead. JoAnne flagged one down (they're easy to find in London) checked the fare and since it wouldn't be very much we hopped on board. I’ve long wanted to take a British taxi. It was fun and spacious.
We had a great time gabbingwith the driver. After only a few minutes our cabby dropped us at the front gate and off we went.
The British Museum
The museum is like a building around a court. Inside they have built the circular building with a library and the skylight covers it all.

The first section that we visited was the Egyptian. JoAnne was looking for the Rosetta stone and as you can see, she found it.

These are a close-up of hieroglyphs from a sarcophagus.

I like the look of this ram. The museum was great. So many of the pieces were ones that I had seen in my art history classes so long ago.

It was always fun for us to find fiber artifacts in the museums. We took a large number pictures of circles also known as spindle whorls.
This is a 14-15th century Egyptian spindle with a piece of woven cloth. I was so excited to see it.

There are no shortage of Pharoah sculptures. I didn't get his name.
Next entry: More of the British Museum.